Q1. What is the difference between natural cosmetics and conventional cosmetics?

Natural cosmetics use the power of nature. Plant oils, fats and waxes, as well as extracts from flowers, herbs and fruits are processed into formulas that care for skin and hair and help boost their natural properties. In contrast to conventional cosmetics, natural cosmetics are created without irritating or damaging chemical ingredients that are suspected of harming our health.

Q2. Is animal testing carried out for BYK GOLD NATURAL SKIN CARE PRODUCTS?

As a certified natural cosmetics brand, we firmly believe: Animal testing may not be carried out or commissioned either in the development or testing phase of products. The use of raw materials sourced from vertebrates is not permitted. Only certain animal-based products such as milk or honey are permitted.

Q3. Are BYK GOLD NATURAL SKIN CARE products vegan?

BYK GOLD NATURAL SKIN CARE products are vegan and no animal-based products are used.

Q4. What pH value do BYK GOLD NATURAL SKIN CARE cosmetic products have?

BYK GOLD NATURAL SKIN CARE products exhibit an acidic pH value in the range of 4.5 to 5.2. The pH value of facial and body skin lies between 4.7 and 5.7, i.e. also in the slightly acidic range. A pH value of 7 (like water) is neutral; pH values below are acidic and pH values above are alkaline. The reason for the slightly acidic pH value of the skin lies in the skin’s natural acidic protective barrier and its composition.

Q5. How are the fragrances in BYK GOLD NATURAL SKIN CARE products constituted?

The fragrances of BYK GOLD NATURAL SKIN CARE products only comprise natural, essential oils. Besides effective and healthy skin care, we believe a pleasant fragrance is also important for our natural cosmetics.

Q6. Do the cosmetic products by BYK GOLD NATURAL SKIN CARE offer UV protection?

Our cosmetic products do contain provide UV protection. However, we only recommend responsible exposure to the sun.

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